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Mi sembra di intuire che i Buccaneers siano i nuovi Warriors

NON È UN PROBLEMA DI OBAMA O TRUMP.  NON È UN PROBLEMA DI RISPETTO DELLA BANDIERA O DELL'INNO O DEI SOLDATI.  La morale la puoi fare quando hai capito il problema, non prima. Esattamente com

L'ho vista nel pomeriggio di ieri....ma alla fine ero distrutto dalla gioia e solo in serata mi sono dato una calmata per vedermi l'altra partita  Onestamente non ci sto capendo più un cazzo   inc

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hanno stufato i Kings.





p.s. ci approcciamo alla postseason mandando Ridley vestito da Babbo Natale e Gronk sulla carrozzina in ospedale in sedia a rotelle a portare regali... :facepalm:


per la gioia di Snake, Matrix e Kei.. 1495473_10152093421812372_1952266270_n.j

Ahah gronk è il grinc?

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La stagione dei Patriots, paragonata a Mamma ho perso l'aereo.



Home Alone injury: Harry gets shot in the groin with a BB gun. The robbery hasn't even started yet and there Harry is, taking a point-blank round from Kevin's Red Rider right to the most intimate of areas. That right there would have been enough to make me rethink my decision to hit up this particular house, but little did Harry know that a BB to the BBs would be the least of his problems.

Corresponding Patriot: Danny AmendolaThe season had barely even started, and ol' Danny boy ruined his groin muscle. In fact, Amendola ruined his groin so badly that the muscle simply tore off from the bone. Luckily, he has been able to play through it, but it has clearly affected his play; he isn't as fast as he usually is and can't get the kind of separation he's used to getting. That's certainly no way to start your year.

Home Alone injury: Marv gets hit in the face with an iron after mistaking the booby trap for a light switch. Once Marv makes it into the basement, it only follows that he'd want a little light to see what he's working with. Little did he know he was about to take about six pounds of metal to the dome as an iron plummeted down the entire length of the laundry chute to smash his head in.
Corresponding PatriotNate SolderWith this latest concussion, Solder has now suffered four in the span of two years. If any player on the Patriots has taken the football equivalent of a falling iron to the head, it's Solder. And while I realize that some of the injuries Marv sustains inHome Alone 2 (most namely four bricks to the head and an entire bag of concrete dropped on him) are more conducive to Solder's concussion woes, I have to stay within the rules here.

Home Alone injury: Marv's bare foot gets impaled by a nail. In perhaps one of the most gruesome moments in kids' movie history, Marv, after struggling mightily to climb a flight of tar covered steps, takes a long, sharp, probably rusty nail right through the bottom of his foot, an injury which sends him crashing down the stairs and screaming in agony.
Corresponding PatriotVince WilforkBig Vince is a lot like Marv's fateful climb up those sticky stairs: tough, difficult to move, and likely to hit you so hard that you lose your shoes. Unfortunately, a ruptured Achilles Tendon leveled his season and left the New England front line with a very large hole that they haven't quite been able to fill - much like the hole now in Marv's foot.

Home Alone injury: Harry slips on ice-covered steps, likely shatters his tailbone and lower spine. Harry, attempting to climb the front steps and make his way to the door, discovers too little, too late that Kevin has iced down the entire stairway and takes a pretty severe tumble onto the cold, hard, unforgiving concrete.
Corresponding PatriotKenbrell ThompkinsIn an early December showdown against the Houston Texans, Thompkins elevated high in the air to haul in a 16 yard pass from Tom Brady. And while he made the catch, he also fell from a considerable height and smashed his hip on the hard, unforgiving turf of Reliant Stadium. He tried to tough it out for one play, but hobbled off to the sideline and we haven't seen him since.

Home Alone injury: Harry burns his palm on the McCallisters' doorknob. Perhaps subscribing to Occam's Razor, Harry decides to test Kevin's front door on the chance that he may have left it unlocked and Harry could simply waltz right in. However, not only was the door locked, but it had been heated to approximately 4,000 degrees, courtesy of what looks like a welding iron. The result? A perfectly formed "M" that Harry will carry with him on his hand for life.
Corresponding PatriotShane VereenVereen broke his wrist early in the game against the Buffalo Bills during the very first week of the season. And much like Harry, who powered through the burn and continued his assault on the McCallister home, Vereen had an absolutely monster game against the Bills despite the break. New England would be without Vereen's services for the next 10 weeks, thus costing them their change of pace back and best pass catcher out of the backfield.

Home Alone injury: Marv climbs in through the window barefooted only to step on an army of smashing ornaments. The only scene more brutal than the nail through the foot, this cringe-inducing tragedy was almost enough to get me to wear shoes around the Christmas tree for the rest of my life. Nothing but shards of shiny broken glass and little pieces of metal completely covering the bottom of Marv's already pulverized feet.
Corresponding PatriotAaron DobsonWhen exactly Dobson sprained his foot is unclear, but the injury is severe enough to have kept him out the past several weeks. Regardless, he took a shot to the foot and he took one hard. Hopefully when he comes back, he isn't forced to waddle around on the outsides of his feet the way that Marv was, as that's likely to hamper his speed. I'd like to think that he'll be back soon, but if the foot sprain is even half as bad as having a Christmas ornament explode between your bare toes, we're all lucky Dobson is even still alive.

Home Alone injury: Harry gets his head set on fire with a blowtorch.Having finally found a way into the house after taking a pretty significant beating outside, Harry walks into the McCallisters' kitchen only to find his entire head on fire. Hands down the worst injury of the first Home Alonemovie.
Corresponding PatriotRob GronkowskiNo, Gronk's head didn't catch fire (although you'll be hard pressed to convince me that at no point in his life has Gronk experienced a burning sensation); however, this is the kind of injury that cuts deep. It sidelines Gronk for at least eight months, possibly longer, and is the one injury that this team couldn't afford going forward. Once you take a blowtorch to the face, it's game over, and that's what happened to Gronk - and quite possibly the Patriots - here.

Home Alone injury: Harry walks right into a wad of glue, then gets covered with feathers. Of all the woes that befall Marv and Harry in this movie, this one might be the most demoralizing. Nobody gets hurt, but Harry has to endure the humiliation of getting tarred and feathered by an eight-year-old kid and walk around for the rest of the night covered in caulk and pillow down. Not exactly what he was expecting.
Corresponding Patriot: Adrian WilsonIt's easy to forget that Wilson is still on the team, as a) he has been on IR since preseason, and B) he so greatly underwhelmed during his time here so far. Wilson was brought in to be the hard-hitting, message sending veteran presence in the secondary that the Pats have been missing since Rodney Harrison retired. Unfortunately, Wilson came into training camp slow, behind the ball, and ineffective, and was in real danger of getting cut before the season even started. Doing the right thing by a long-term vet with an impressive career resume, New England put him on IR with a "hamstring injury" to save him some face and let him get paid. Not really an injury, per se, but somewhat embarrassing and not what we were all hoping for - much like walking into a house only to catch a face full of feathers.

Home Alone injury: Marv and Harry slip on Micromachines. As a quick aside, Micromachines were awesome and I wish I hadn't sold my entire bin full of them at a tag sale in 1997 for $20. But even I never used those little cars promoted by that super fast-talking guy with a mustache for evil the way that Kevin did. The Micromachine slip was unique in that it's the only injury in the movie that wasn't directly quarterbacked by Kevin in some way; Marv and Harry simply ran into a high-traffic area covered in little vehicles of death and paid the price as a result. 
Corresponding PatriotTommy KellyWhen Tommy Kelly hurt his knee against the Bengals in Week 5, he did so in the worst possible way: without making contact with another player. Non-contact knee injuries are almost always season-ending, and Kelly was no exception. There was hope that he'd be able to bounce back at first, as the Pats didn't IR him until November, but the writing was on the wall - much like the writing should have been on the wall for Marv and Harry, as they should have picked themselves up, taken a few Micromachines for good measure, and gotten the hell out of there.

Home Alone injury: Harry trips over a clothesline on his way up the stairs. After running the gauntlet of first floor obstacles, Kevin goads Marv and Harry upstairs with the classic line, "You guys give up, or are you thirsty for more?" After their first attempt to traverse the stairs is thwarted by a duo of swinging paint cans, their second attempt proves more successful - until Harry runs into the rope Kevin has strung across the hallway and takes yet another tumble, banging his shin, knee, and head on the floor.
Corresponding PatriotSebastian VollmerThe halls of Gillette Stadium are still humming with the echoes of Vollmer's gutteral, piercing screams as he went down for the season with a leg injury. The injury ultimately resulted from Vollmer tripping while blocking for Stevan Ridley as Randy Starks trapped his leg under him trying to make the tackle. The result was almost certainly a broken leg and another downed lineman.

Home Alone injury: Harry gets hit in the ribs with Marv's crowbar.After desperately throwing Buzz's tarantula off his face (yet another severely traumatizing moment), the spider lands on a still unconscious Harry. Marv, being the good partner that he is, doesn't want Harry to experience the horrors that he just did, and decided to kill that thing by smashing it with a crowbar. Harry, coming to just as Marv raises the crowbar to deliver the killer blow, gets rewarded with a cracked sternum, severe chest bruising, and probably a punctured lung as the tarantula scurries away unharmed.
Corresponding injured PatriotJerod MayoWhile making a tackle against the Atlanta Falcons, Mayo tore his pectoral muscle and was lost for the year. And while tearing a pec isn't quite the same as taking a crowbar to the chest in a failed attempt at arachnicide, it's debilitating nonetheless. The worst part is that Mayo is tough enough so that he probably would have gotten up after getting smashed with a crowbar - but when you suffer a pectoral tear, that's the end of that.

Home Alone injury: Marv and Harry swing from a rope face first into a brick wall. In what is a surprising feat of agility, especially considering what Marv and Harry have just been through, they decide to put their fingerless gloves (by the way, great choice for committing a burglary, guys) to use by following Kevin out the attic window via the attached rope to try and corner him in his treehouse. Of course, Kevin was anticipating this move and cut the rope when they were about halfway out. The result? A Tarzan-style swing right into the side of the house.
Corresponding PatriotAqib TalibI'd like to think that we have all collided with a wall at some point in our lives. Granted, I'd also like to think that most of those collisions didn't result from getting a zipline cut while we all dangled 30 feet in the air, but pretty much anyone who has ever done anything active has collided with the wall at some point. And I don't know about you, but the two parts of my body that got hurt the most from those little run-ins were my shoulder and my hip. Talib was having an MVP season before his hip injury, and he hasn't been the same since. Luckily, Talib has still been able to play, but much like Marv and Harry after hitting the side of the house, he just isn't what he used to be.



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E anche questa settimana Rodgers non riceve l'ok dei medici. :byesconsolato


Un Rodgers apparso piuttosto contrariato ieri ai microfoni, sono due settimane che si allena, in questi giorni si sentiva benissimo e in riferimento al fatto che potesse giocare o meno ha risposto che è a questo punto è una decisione solo "medical and organizational".


Boh, speriamo bene domenica....



McCarthy keeps using the same phrase. "As an organization we are not ready for Aaron Rodgers to play.


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Mhhh. I medici dei Packers non lo clearano?


Sì, sono i medici della squadra che non gli hanno dato l'ok. Dalle parole sue e di coach McCarthy si comprende che se fosse stato per loro sarebbe già tornato.


"This is an organization decision"



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Concentrati su Denver!!! ahahahaa


Beh era finita, poi tanto ora che quel che mi interessava è arrivato si può guardare il simpatico vecchietto uscire alla prima volta che fa freddo davvero e poi vedere che fa Wilson.


Flacco sono due anni che non mi piace, figurati dopo quel contratto.

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Still alive.

Ora serve Aaron peró.

Dategli 'sto benedetto via libera.


Domenica prossima sará il panico vero.



Io il mio contributo alla causa l'ho dato, puntando qualche euro sui Bears in singola appena è finita la partita dei Packers  :asd  ora tocca a loro!


Anche se ora come ora mancherebbe mezza squadra....speriamo qualcuno riesca a recuperare.

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Packers @ Bears e Eagles @ Cowboys sono praticamente una Wild Card game che porta al Wild Card game.

Spettacolo puro.

Sarebbe bello se spostassero i Packers al Lunedí come MN, tanto é gara a se rispetto alle altre.


Allo stesso tempo stasera tutti a tifare Atlanta.

A quel punto anche 49ers vs Cardinals diventerebbe la terza gara di spareggio.

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