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Altro livello, l'NFL...16 partite di regular season nelle quali difficilmente puoi permetterti di scegliere quando premere bottoni e programmare L, niente back to back che ti falsano le sfide, meno possibilità che pagliacci montati dai media vengano proclamati Re...se non porti a casa un Superbowl ai grandissimi non ci vieni nemmeno accostato.

Almeno questa è la mia impressione, dopo la prima stagione seguita per bene..

Verissimo che ci sono tanti elementi "stabilizzatori". Secondo me però un pochino falsano anche le partite secche ai PO, almeno serie da 5 livellavano certe situazioni.


È proprio un altro mondo semplicemente. Un altro sistema creato su priorità ben più marcate e differenti da quelle che ci sono in NBA.

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Comunque, tolti i Broncos di fine anni 90, non credo ci sia più stato un back to back, segno che i playoffs ad una sola sfida sono molto più spettacolari ed avvincenti, ma spesso in una gara singola non vince sempre la più forte.

I Patriots l'han fatto, l'avevo pure scritto sulla Preview della SW division :asd

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La partita secca dona un fascino incredibile ai playoff dell'NFL, che la rende allo stesso tempo equilibrata, cinica e aperta ad ogni risultato.


Davvero, quando vinci un superbowl puoi ritenere appagata e soddisfatta la tua carriera. In NBA c'è il not one, not two, not three... :byesconsolato


Altro mondo.


Dovessi buttare giù dalla torre una delle due leghe non ci penserei un attimo a decidere (basta leggere anche la mia firma per comprendere chi ho più nel cuore e stimo di più).


Unico difetto della palla ovale.......dura troppo poco :asd

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Someone tattled to the Ravens about Joe Flacco riding a skateboard


It's a story straight out of suburbia: A nosy neighbor sees someone riding around on a skateboard and makes a call to an authority figure in an attempt to stop such rebellious behavior. The one key difference in the following tale: The someone on the skateboard was Joe Flacco and the authority figure the neighbor called was the Baltimore Ravens.

The quarterback, who will face the New England Patriots in Sunday's AFC championship game, recounted the story on Wednesday to "NFL Total Access." Our friends at NFL.com have the transcription:

"I'd never been on a skateboard in my life, so I was literally riding it about 10 feet down my driveway just to see if I could stand on it and stay upright. One of my neighbors must have called in looking for [general manager] Ozzie Newsome and left a voicemail on his secretary's phone saying, 'Hey, man, you got to let Joe Flacco know we're trying to win the Super Bowl around here! He's at home riding a skateboard. Somebody's got to let him know what the deal is.'"

Little known fact: The neighbor was Ed Reed.

Kidding, but aren't you starting to get an idea of why the future Hall of Famer called out his quarterback to the press this week? All you need to know about Flacco's decision making abilities can be gleaned from this story and from that handelbar mustache.

Who tries skateboarding four days before the biggest game of his career? (For that matter, what 27-year-old man skateboards?) Pavarotti doesn't try sword swallowing the week before singing at The Met, you know?



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Someone tattled to the Ravens about Joe Flacco riding a skateboard


It's a story straight out of suburbia: A nosy neighbor sees someone riding around on a skateboard and makes a call to an authority figure in an attempt to stop such rebellious behavior. The one key difference in the following tale: The someone on the skateboard was Joe Flacco and the authority figure the neighbor called was the Baltimore Ravens.

The quarterback, who will face the New England Patriots in Sunday's AFC championship game, recounted the story on Wednesday to "NFL Total Access." Our friends at NFL.com have the transcription:

"I'd never been on a skateboard in my life, so I was literally riding it about 10 feet down my driveway just to see if I could stand on it and stay upright. One of my neighbors must have called in looking for [general manager] Ozzie Newsome and left a voicemail on his secretary's phone saying, 'Hey, man, you got to let Joe Flacco know we're trying to win the Super Bowl around here! He's at home riding a skateboard. Somebody's got to let him know what the deal is.'"

Little known fact: The neighbor was Ed Reed.

Kidding, but aren't you starting to get an idea of why the future Hall of Famer called out his quarterback to the press this week? All you need to know about Flacco's decision making abilities can be gleaned from this story and from that handelbar mustache.

Who tries skateboarding four days before the biggest game of his career? (For that matter, what 27-year-old man skateboards?) Pavarotti doesn't try sword swallowing the week before singing at The Met, you know?



Giusto ieri sera, su ESPN America, sentivo di alcuni commenti negativi su Flacco da parte di Ed Reed.. questo un estratto di un pezzo a riguardo:


By now, Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco is probably used to all the outside criticism about his inconsistent play. Yesterday, though, he admitted he was “a little caught off guard” by some less-than-flattering comments that his own teammate, veteran safety Ed Reed, made about him during a radio interview earlier this week.


On Sirius XM NFL Radio, Reed said Flacco was “rattled” by Houston’s defense in last week’s AFC divisional playoff game, and “it just didn’t look like he had a hold on the offense.”


Flacco completed 14 of 27 passes for 176 yards and two touchdowns. He was sacked five times and probably avoided a handful more. Baltimore scored just three points in the second half, but hung on for a 20-13 win.

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Senza dubbio non è stata una delle migliori idee possibili quella di Flacco, ma non avrei pubblicizzato così tanto la cosa

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i Baltimore Ravens non devono vincere solo perchè c'è Flacco. Non sarebbe giusto :asd


Proprio non riesce a piacermi!! Magari lo meriterebbero Ray Lewis, Reed e Suggs, ma non lui. Credo proprio andrò con i Pats sta sera tutta la vita.


Per un palcoscenico come quello del superbowl molto meglio Brady che Flacco, così, ad occhio e croce.


Dovesse ripetersi il SB del 2007 non mi dispiacerebbe.


Dalle 21 di questa sera dal divano di casa non mi smuove proprio nessuno!! :loL2

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Grande nottata di sport. Ho QUASI pensato di non vedere l'inter... :icon_bananaride:


Speriamo siano belle partite come promettono. Soprattutto SF-NY promette scintille!


Non vedo benissimo Bal

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Premesso che i Ravens avevano vinto, perchè quella ricezione in EZ per me era strabuona.

Ma ora ho capito perchè sul 4&6 non gli han fatto calciare.

RIP Billy Cundiff.


Purtroppo per i Ravens non puoì presentarti ai playoff con un kicker del genere.


Ed ora per il bene dell'universo, forza 49ers.

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Premesso che i Ravens avevano vinto, perchè quella ricezione in EZ per me era strabuona.

Ma ora ho capito perchè sul 4&6 non gli han fatto calciare.


Purtroppo per i Ravens non puoì presentarti ai playoff con un kicker del genere.


Ed ora per il bene dell'universo, forza 49ers.


E pensare che a Madden 12 ( :asd ) è uno dei più forti, ero tranquillissimo prima che tirava. :testadura

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