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It appears that The Miz has a personal gripe toward NBA superstar LeBron James. The former WWE champion still despises James' actions of leaving Cleveland for Miami and not brining an NBA title to Cleveland like he promised. According to a January 29th report by WrestleZone.com, The Miz made the following comments about LeBron James:


"I'm from Cleveland, Ohio. LeBron said he was going to bring an NBA Championship to the Cleveland Cavaliers. Cleveland suck at most sports, but finally we had this basketball savior, and what does he do? Backstabs us and goes to Miami Heat! Miami is where Wrestlemania will be, so I’d like to face him."


Most sports fans in Cleveland want to fight LeBron James for his departure from the Cleveland Cavaliers. WrestleMania 28 will be live from Miami, Florida on Sunday April 1st at the very same venue that LeBron James plays at with the Miami Heat. There were rumors last fall that the WWE was trying to get LeBron to appear at WrestleMania especially because the NBA was locked out. However, recent reports have claimed that LeBron will not be available. His former team mate Shaq is exepcted to wrestle at WM 28 against the Big Show.


Dite che accetta la sfida?


:asd :asd

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Nobody wants to hear a rich man whine, but this NFL star brings up a pretty good argument.


Adrian Peterson hatched what seemed like a good plan on Twitter to change his Minnesota Vikings uniform number from 28 to 23. That was last week. Now the star running back has changed his mind, blaming the power brokers behind pro football merchandise sales for spoiling his idea.


Peterson told his 212,000-plus Twitter followers that he "received a call" from an unnamed source informing him he'd have to buy all the jerseys that have been made with his No. 28 on them if he wanted to change his number. The Vikings star tweeted the amount of money "blew my mind!!!!!"


How much would it cost?


A cool $1,000,000 -- according to Peterson.


That's when the franchise running back unloaded on what he feels is an injustice to star players. Pointing out to his cyber minions that he's among the leaders in NFL jersey sales, Peterson complained that he doesn't "even get paid a million dollars" from his individual Nike sponsorship deal.


As of last April, NFL.com had Peterson's No. 28 jersey ranked 15th in NFL jersey sales, ahead of Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger among other notable stars.


The NFL jersey contract just ended with Reebok, and Nike takes over starting with the 2012 season. The Star Tribune points out that players who switched numbers in the past had to pay Reebok a refund for existing jerseys. It's unknown if that rule will continue with the Swoosh.

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