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Mi sembra di intuire che i Buccaneers siano i nuovi Warriors

NON È UN PROBLEMA DI OBAMA O TRUMP.  NON È UN PROBLEMA DI RISPETTO DELLA BANDIERA O DELL'INNO O DEI SOLDATI.  La morale la puoi fare quando hai capito il problema, non prima. Esattamente com

L'ho vista nel pomeriggio di ieri....ma alla fine ero distrutto dalla gioia e solo in serata mi sono dato una calmata per vedermi l'altra partita  Onestamente non ci sto capendo più un cazzo   inc

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New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady is appealing the suspension the league handed down as a penalty for DeflateGate. He's hired the best lawyer in the land to dispute the questionable Wells Report, and now the popular thought is that Brady's suspension is going to be overturned.

There were two thought processes to try and justify the four game suspension from the league:

Roger Goodell issued the four game suspension with the belief it would be reduced in the appeals process so he show both a heavy hand of justice and then some subsequent mercy.

2) Goodell issued and wants a four game suspension
because the Patriots weren't cooperative to the level of his liking
, and any reduction in penalty would appear like the league lost after ruling.

Both make plenty of sense, although I'm personally in support of the latter belief after everything that's happened in this DeflateGate process.

An NFL source advised ESPN's Adam Schefter that the legal team that Brady has assembled is "unreal" in their quality and caliber, and thought there was a good chance the suspension would be reduced or overturned.

With the appeals process slated to start at the end of May, here's the timeline of Adrian Peterson's appeals process over the end of 2014 and into the start of 2015, which was also covered by Brady's lawyer Jeffrey Kessler.


November 11th: NFL notifies Peterson he has to attend a hearing on November 14th. NFLPA requests the meeting be rescheduled to the following week due to prior engagements. NFL doesn't respond.

November 14th: Originally planned meeting doesn't take place.

November 17th: NFLPA asks for an update and proposes November 19th as a date for a meeting. NFL states that Peterson "elected not to attend or participate as requested" and the league moves forward without hearing Peterson's position.

November 18th: NFL suspends Peterson for the final six games in 2014, on the basis of the new domestic violence policy (DV policy). At this point Peterson had been withheld for eight games. NFLPA appeals on the grounds that this DV policy can't be retroactively applied and that the league prevented Peterson from participating in the pre-disciplinary discussions. NFL sets December 2nd as the arbitration date and appoints Harold Henderson as the hearing officer in place of Roger Goodell.

NFLPA asks for Henderson to be recused from the hearing due to "inextricable ties to the League Officer and Commissioner Goodell." Henderson declines.

December 2nd-4th: Arbitration takes place and NFLPA highlights four issues; 1) NFL can't retroactively apply policies; 2) NFL prevented Peterson from presenting his side; 3) Can the league order psychiatric counseling under the CBA?; 4) Can Peterson being in the Exempt list count as a form of discipline under the CBA?

Henderson rejects all four issues and supports the Commissioner's original rulings.

December 15th: NFLPA files to vacate the arbitration award from Henderson on the grounds that the rulings violate or overreach the CBA, that retroactive application isn't allowed, and that Henderson wasn't partial. (Editor's Note: I would assume that Henderson's ability to be a partial arbitrator will be a major factor in Brady's appeals process)

February 26th: District Court rules that the NFL can't retroactively apply policy and that NFL exceeded their authority. The court didn't consider it necessary to even address whether or not Henderson was partial or the punishment was fair.


This appeals process took 107 days and the NFL's initial ruling was overturned. 107 days from today brings us to the last week in August. If Brady's appeal lasts as long as Peterson's, then it will be pressing very close to the season's kick-off. Hopefully Kessler and company already have their argument lined up and this proceeding can be handled in an extremely timely fashion.


Daje Kessler, ribaltiamo questa ingiustizia ! 

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Mi fate un gran tristezza.

Roba che se fossi un tifoso di Celtics o Red Sox, prenderei le distanze...


Yahoo Sports se non sbaglio un tempo era uno dei tuoi siti di riferimento.

Bene leggi questo e capisci perché è realmente una gran farsa. 

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Ogni anno ve ne inventate una, è semplicemente ora di finirla.


La prima gif da sinistra che hai in firma, poi, che significa?

Noi ne abbiamo 6, e senza asterischi.

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Ogni anno ve ne inventate una, è semplicemente ora di finirla.


La prima gif da sinistra che hai in firma, poi, che significa?

Noi ne abbiamo 6, e senza asterischi.


Significa che quando si parla di Patriots, spesso, si scrivono grossissime cavolate.

Vuoi degli esempi ?


La Tuck Rule era una regola che  già esisteva al tempo della sfida con gli Oakland Raiders di Clutch. 

Però si racconta altro e si dice, primo fra tutti quell'assasino di Ray Lewis ( uno che dovrebbe stare in galera ) che la carriera di Brady e BB nasce da un furto arbitrale. 



Lo stesso  famoso e celebre Spygate consisteva in semplici filmati ripresi da bordocampo. 

La norma era abbastanza contraddittoria:



Videotaping opposing coaches is not illegal in the NFL but there are designated areas allowed by the league to do such taping. The Patriots were videotaping the Jets' coaches from their own sideline which is not allowed.

sostanzialmente  è consentito riprendere i segnali dei coach  avversari, ma non con video dalla sideline. 

Se qualcuno ha voglia di spiegarmi concretamente il vantaggio di una ripresa dalla sideline piuttosto che di una ripresa effettuata dalle aree legali, ok. 

Io penso sia una norma stupida. 

Oltretutto non c'erano telecamere nascoste, ma il tutto era ripreso alla luce del sole, in buona fede. 

Tant'è che gli stessi Jets dissero: 



Mangini later stated, "I didn't think it was any kind of significant advantage, but I wasn't going to give them the convenience of doing it in our stadium, and I wanted to shut it down. But there was no intent to get the league involved. There was no intent to have the landslide that it has become." ... 
Former Jets head coach Eric Mangini stated that "I think when you look at the history of success that [the Patriots] had after that incident, it’s pretty obvious that it didn’t play any type of significant role in the victories [the Patriots] had or the success that [the Patriots] had."[14] As of the conclusion of the 2011 NFL season, the Patriots had the best record in the NFL since Spygate, compiling a 48-16 record from 2008-11 (thePittsburgh Steelers and New Orleans Saints were second best over that span at 45-19). 
The Patriots won 69.3 percent of their games while they were presumably taping signals; they have won 75.6 percent of games after the spygate scandal.

In ogni caso,la  norma è stata violata siamo stati condannati e stop.

Ed in seguito fu anche dimostrato che non erano solo i Patriots ad utilizzare quel tipo di filmati, ma vabbè. 


Ora sul deflate-Gate se se ne vuole parlare seriamente, io il report l'ho letto integralmente ed in lingua originale, non c'è un singolo motivo di diritto ( e qualcosa ne capisco perchè è il mio lavoro ) valido per punire con una sentenza del genere Brady ed i Patriots. 

E fidatevi che la stessa NFL ne è a conoscenza, tant'è che la punizione nei confronti del team ( è stata tolta la prima scelta del prossimo draft ) che non è appellabile è tanto dura ( quanto al tempo stesso ridicola ) forse perchè la Lega è la prima a sapere che Brady ( che invece può fare appello ) nel giudizio di secondo grado avrà un grosso sconto o sarà addirittura assolto, com'è giusto che sia, visto che di provato nei suoi confronti non c'è assolutamente nulla. 


E ribadisco, leggetevi l'articolo di yahoo sports che ho postato ieri ( che non è il Boston Hearald ne ESPN Boston ) nel quale si spiega quanto sia paradossale e ridicola la gestione di questa vicenda da parte della NFL e del suo commissioner. 



Nearly everyone is enjoying the haughty Patriots getting their comeuppance here and that's understandable. However, even if you think in the end Brady was secretly commanding this operation (as I suspect), is this how the commissioner's office should work?


What happens when the next time it's your team's time?

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Guest Nigma

Io mi domando soltanto perché, se era innocente e quindi non aveva niente da nascondere, Brady abbia impedito alla commissione di accedere a lui e ai suoi mezzi di comunicazione. Se sei innocente con chi indaga collabori, mica lo intralci.

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Io mi domando soltanto perché, se era innocente e quindi non aveva niente da nascondere, Brady abbia impedito alla commissione di accedere a lui e ai suoi mezzi di comunicazione. Se sei innocente con chi indaga collabori, mica lo intralci.


Perché non era tenuto a farlo ai termini di legge. 

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Serissimo, non ho mai visto un innocente rifiutarsi di fornire prove "perchè non sono obbligato". Le tattiche delatorie e il rifiuto sistematico di trasparenza guarda caso lo fanno sempre le stesse persone, quelle persone per cui conta più l'assoluzione processuale dell'accertamento della verità e del loro onore.

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Now the #Patriots are just embarrassing themselves. They claim the ball guy called himself "deflator" because he was trying to lose weight.



Roger Goodell should strip another draft pick from the Patriots just for thinking anyone would buy the "Deflator" weight loss excuse.


So Patriots equip guys were in a weight loss program and Tom Brady is their support system when times get tough. It all makes sense now.



Sto male :ahahah

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Leggendo la lettera si capisce chiaramente che la NFLPA è chiaramente controllata a Brady e dai Patriots.. fantastico  :lookhere:



The NFLPA's appeal letter to the NFL in Tom Brady's appeal is a good look at how little the union thinks of the NFL's case against Brady and of commissioner Roger Goodell's ability to be neutral.

The most interesting part might be that the NFLPA said it plans to call Goodell and NFL executive vice president of football operations Troy Vincent, whose name was on the punishment to the New England Patriots and Brady, to testify in the appeal hearing. That's in a clear effort to force Goodell from overseeing the appeal. The same happened in the Ray Rice case, which the NFLPA discusses in its letter. It's probably the best shot the NFLPA has at forcing Goodell's hand. The NFLPA also threatens to go beyond the NFL's appeal process if a neutral party doesn't oversee the appeal. 



If the Commissioner does not appoint such a neutral arbitrator, the NFLPA and Mr. Brady will seek recusal and pursue all available relief to obtain an arbitrator who is not evidently partial," the letter says.

There are other interesting parts of their appeal letter, and you can boil it down into three main parts:


1. The NFLPA doesn't think Goodell should determine the punishment 


It likely won't matter. Goodell has said he will rule over the appeal. It's very clear the NFL would rather take the criticism for not having someone independent rule over the case than to let the flimsy evidence against Brady be heard by someone impartial. A loss in this case would be a real possibility if the appeal was fair, and that would be a huge embarrassment to the league.

But the NFLPA said it expects Goodell to testify, mostly about when he heard about the Indianapolis Colts' complaints that were made before the AFC championship game and why no action was taken until halftime of the game.



"(Y)our personal involvement in the game-day events surrounding this matter render you inherently biased in any disciplinary determination," the NFLPA said, regarding Goodell.

The union asks that Goodell use someone independent as the hearing officer. It's hard to imagine that happening. The NFL can't afford to lose, so it has made sure it won't by having Goodell rule on what amounts to his own punishment. Although, the NFLPA had a problem with how the punishment was presented.


2. The NFLPA has a problem with Vincent handing down the punishment


The letter is addressed to Vincent. His name was on the punishment to the Patriots and Brady. It's nearly impossible to believe that Goodell wasn't the one making the ultimate determination on such a high-profile case that generated arguably the largest punishment in league history. But that's what the NFL said, and the NFLPA attacked it. The union calls Vincent's involvement "a plain violation of the CBA."



The CBA grants the Commissioner—and only the Commissioner—the authority to impose conduct detrimental discipline on players ... [the CBA] contains no corresponding provision authorizing the Commissioner to delegate his exclusive role to impose conduct detrimental discipline to you or anyone else. You have no authority to impose discipline on Mr. Brady under the CBA, and such discipline must therefore be set aside."

Good luck with that. But it points out another NFL error. It's reasonable to think (perhaps even more probable than not) that Goodell wanted anyone else's name to be on the punishment because he planned all along to rule on an appeal that he absolutely could not afford to lose. The NFLPA said that shell game was a violation of the CBA.


3. The evidence against Brady is weak and doesn't justify the punishment


This much is clear to most objective people who have actually read the entire Wells Report. The Wells Report itself uses vague terms about Brady. The letter points them out, saying it says it was "more probable than not” that Mr. Brady was “generally aware of” “inappropriate activities.” They didn't have much else.

Based on the evidence of the alleged crimes (it's still hard to express what the crime is, because Brady is never really accused of anything specific in the 243-page report), the NFLPA says it's an unprecedented punishment.



"Your decision to suspend Mr. Brady for four games—i.e., one-quarter of the NFL season—for his alleged 'general[] aware[ness] of the actions of the Patriots’ employees involved in the deflation of the footballs' and 'failure to cooperate fully and candidly with the [Wells] investigation' is grossly inconsistent with the League’s prior disciplinary treatment of similar alleged conduct, including lack of cooperation and not complying with League rules regarding game balls or other equipment."

The letter goes on to say that "no player in the history of the NFL has ever received anything approaching this level of discipline for similar behavior," which is a change that is "forbidden by the CBA and the law of the shop." And it is very clear that this punishment is excessive when compared to other similar cases.


Unless the NFLPA can somehow get Goodell to give up his role overseeing the appeal, perhaps by expressing that it wants him to testify, none of this will matter. Goodell can't lose this appeal, and he obviously won't if he rules on the case. It's unfortunate. A real appeal instead of the farce it will be would have been interesting to watch unfold.



Insomma l'associazione dei giocatori si è schierata al fianco di quell'imbroglione cattivone di Brady... 


Ma si dai continuiamo a credere alle favole !  :facepalm:

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Ma invece di scrivere tutte queste veline passate dall'ufficio stampa dei cheatriots perchè non provi a spiegare che ci faceva il deflator con il pallone delle 50.000yds di brady, tanto da vantarsene con la mamma.

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Ma invece di scrivere tutte queste veline passate dall'ufficio stampa dei cheatriots perchè non provi a spiegare che ci faceva il deflator con il pallone delle 50.000yds di brady, tanto da vantarsene con la mamma.


Quindi ? 

Che rilevanza probatoria avrebbe ? 


Leggi la lettera della NFLPA piuttosto. 

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