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AEW, WWE, TNA, MMA e anche quello finto và, il pugilato.

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Ce ne siamo liberati. 

La guarderò sicuramente, non so se live o il giorno dopo a seconda dell'orario. Wilder piace moltissimo anche a me e mi sta naturalmente simpatico anche per la sua storia e per me è favorito.


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On his official Facebook Page, Facebook.com/RealMickFoley, the WWE Hall of Famer and former WWF champion went deeper into detail with his unhappiness over how WWE handled Daniel Bryan at the Royal Rumble PPV:


"As I mentioned on Twitter, I've never felt so disgusted at the conclusion of a WWE (or any) PPV. Like many of you out there, I just don't get it. This Daniel Bryan thing is a phenomenon. You get it. I get it. The fans in Pittsburgh (yes, I was thinking of writing "RIGHT TH...but I'm just not in a cheap pop mood) got it. But tonight, for the first time, I had to admit to myself that the powers that be are just not going to get it. And that makes me sad. I'm just honestly sad, just flat out f------ng sad (yes, I dropped an F-bomb there to emphasize how F'ing sad I am for the guys who bust their butts night in and night out - Ziggler, Punk, Bryan, etc - with no hope of getting their shot at this year's Mania.


You know who else I'm sad for? Me. In my two years as an official WWE Ambassador, I never once had to lie about my enthusiasm for the company or the product. Now, although I am no longer officially an Ambassador for WWE (believe it or not, my only official role in WWE is as GM for Saturday Morning Slam, a contract that ends in one month) I was till looking forward to being part of the biggest event of the year. I'll probably end up going anyway. But I'm about 1/6th as excited about it as I was just a few hours ago. I wanted so badly to hear 75,000 WWE fans chanting "YES" - and seeing fans walk away absolutely ecstatic about the outcome of a PPV for the first time in a while...a long while. But when given the chance to make it happen (unless they've got something MAJOR up their sleeve) WWE's answer tonight was a resounding "NO, NO, NO"."


Note from Mike: Foley, who rarely curses, actually did drop the "F" bomb in his Facebook post. The editing above was by yours truly.


Bravo Mick! 

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Al solito RR gestita male. Rey Misterio con la 30? Seriamente? Pubblico di competenza rara, Orton, Cena, Batista, Misterio, fischiati all'inverosimile, roba che McMahon dovrebbe capire chi è veramente over tra il pubblico. JBL e Torito? Perché non mettere un Y2J?

Punk contro HHH a WM, Bryan contro chi? HBK? Taker? Al momento è senza una storylane che lo porti allo Showcase of Immortals.

Poi, lo Shield verrà sciolto? Reigns cresciuto tanto sul ring e moooolto over col pubblico. Per me dopo che Batista vincerà a WM il titolo, sarà lui l'avversario.

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No scusate JBL?! Ma si è ritirato quando guardavo la wwe la domenica mattina con cicciovalenti 10 anni fa... Ditemi che c'è ancora rick flair e non entro mai più qua dentro :asd

C'è ancora, ma non combatte più :asd

JBL fa il cronista, gli hanno regalato un'apparizione dato che in carriera non aveva mai partecipato alla RR a quanto ho capito.

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